scholarships and loansScholarships and loans
Eliminating obsolete provisions, correcting cross-references, eliminating rules that are redundant with statutes, correcting errors, and modifying the structure of existing rules in nonsubstantive ways re College Savings Program [Admin.Code DFI-CSP 1.01, 1.02, 1.09, 1.11, 1.13] - CR 24-053
school _ administrationSchool — Administration
Commencement of the school term prior to September 1; and affecting small business [Admin.Code PI 27.02, 27.03] - CR 24-026
school _ curriculumSchool — Curriculum
Bilingual-bicultural supplemental teaching licenses [Admin.Code PI 34.029, 34.078] - CR 24-074
High school graduation requirements to include personal financial literacy credit [Admin.Code PI 18.03] - CR 24-075
school _ health programSchool — Health program
Dance license from DPI eliminated as obsolete [Admin.Code PI 34.047, 34.111] - CR 24-008
shared revenueShared revenue
Innovation grant programs pursuant to 2023 WisAct 12 [Admin.Code Tax 17] - CR 24-090
small businessSmall business, see Business
social workSocial work
Advanced practice social workers and independent social workers treating substance use disorder as a specialty [Admin.Code DHS 75.03, 75.59] - CR 23-067
solid waste managementSolid waste management, see also Recycling
Alternative method for a municipality to establish proof of financial responsibility required for a solid waste disposal facility [Admin.Code NR 520.06, 520.08, 520.10] - CR 25-001
Landfills, solid waste management fees, financial responsibility, and reporting requirements; and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code NR 500.03, 500.05, 500.055, 500.058, 500.06, 500.065, 500.07, 500.08, 502.04, 503.04, 503.07, 503.09, 503.10, 504.02, 504.04, 504.05, 504.06, 504.07, 504.073, 504.075, 504.08, 504.09, 504.10, 506.05, 506.055, 506.06, 506.07, 506.08, 506.081, 506.085, 506.09, 506.095, 506.10, 506.105, 506.12, 506.13, 506.17, 506.19, 507.04, 507.05, 507.06, 507.07, 507.08, 507.09, 507.14, 507.15, 507.16, 507.17, 507.18, 507.19, 507.20, 507.21, 507.215, 507.22, 507.23, 507.26, 507.27, 507.29, 507.30, 507 Appendix I Tables 1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 5, and 6, 507 Appendix III, 508.04, 508.05, 508.06, 509.04, 509.05, 509.06, 510, 510.00, 512.05, 512.06, 512.085, 512.09, 512.10, 512.11, 512.12, 512.13, 512.14, 512.16, 514.04, 514.045, 514.05, 514.06, 514.07, 514.09, 514.10, 516.04, 516.05, 516.06, 516.07, 516.09, 518.07, 520.04, 520.05, 520.06, 520.07, 520.08, 520.09, 520.10, 520.11, 520.13, 520.14, 520.15 Tables 2, 3, and 5, 524.02, 524.05. 524.08] - CR 24-063
Modifying and expanding universal waste management regulations; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 660.13, 661.0009, 664.001, 665.001, 668.01, 670.001, 673.01, 673.03, 673.05, 673.06, 673.09, 673.13, 673.14, 673.32, 673.33, 673.34, 673.60] - CR 24-036
Technical corrections of state hazardous waste regulations; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 660.01, 660.02, 660.07, 660.10, 660.20, 660.22, 660.40, 660.41, 661.0001, 661.0003, 661.0011, 661.0024, 661.0031, 661.0033, 662.010, 662.011, 662.014, 662.016, 662.017, 662.020, 662.082, 662.200, 662.212, 662.213, 662.232, 662.233 (note), 663.12, 663.13, 664.0001, 664.0013, 664.0072, 664 Subchapter F (title), 664.0090, 664.0097, 664.0111, 664.0143, 664.0151, 664.0221, 664.0223, 664.0252, 664.0301, 664.0302, 664.0304, 664.0314, 664.0573, 664.1030, 664.1080, 664.1101, 664.1102, 664 Appendix I Table 1, 665.0110, 665.0112, 665.0140, 665.0194, 665.0221, 665.0224, 665.0259, 665.0301, 665.0303, 665.0314, 665.1035, 665.1084, 665.1101, 665 Appendix I Table 1 and Table 2, 665 Appendix VI Table, 666.100, 666.102, 666.103, 666.106, 666.109, 666.502, 666.504, 666.505, 666.506, 666.507, 666.510, 666.903, 666.904, 666.905, 666 Appendix IV Table, 666 Appendix V Table, 668.04, 668.07, 668.14, 668.42, 668.45, 668.48 Table, 668.50, 670.001, 670.018, 670.041, 670.042, 670.050, 670.235, 670 Appendix I, 679.01, 679.10, 679.11, 679.42] - CR 24-037
state bar of wisconsinState Bar of Wisconsin, see Attorney
state public defenderState Public Defender, see Public defender
taxation _ sharedTaxation — Shared, see Shared revenue
teacher _ certificateTeacher — Certificate
Bilingual-bicultural supplemental teaching licenses [Admin.Code PI 34.029, 34.078] - CR 24-074
Dance license from DPI eliminated as obsolete [Admin.Code PI 34.047, 34.111] - CR 24-008
Eligibility for 5-year educational interpreter licenses [Admin.Code PI 34.086] - CR 24-076
Tier IV master educator licenses: rules governing assessment teams changed [Admin.Code PI 34.042] - CR 24-077
Telehealth comprehensive review [Admin.Code MPSW 1.02, 1.12, 2.01, 10.01, 15.01, 20.02, 20.03] - CR 24-012
Telehealth definition and standards of conduct [Admin.Code Opt 1.02, 1.03, 5.03, 5.045, 5.20] - CR 24-029
Telemedicine and telehealth: definition and references [Admin.Code Med 24.01, 24.02] - CR 24-039
Universal Service Fund provisions and administration [Admin.Code PSC 160.02, 160.06, 160.062, 160.071] - CR 21-023
telemarketingTelemarketing, see Telephone
Authorization of one or more additional fee structures and establishing maximum fees or charges that may be made thereunder by adjustment service companies, and incorporating certain requirements of the federal Telemarketing Sales Rule [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 73.01, 73.02, 73.03, 73.04, 73.05] - CR 24-049
tourist rooming houseTourist rooming house, see Hotel and motel
trades and occupationsTrades and occupations, see also specific occupation
Interior designers [Admin.Code SPS 130] - CR 24-068
transportation department of _ vehiclesTransportation, Department of — Vehicles
Motor vehicle operator license and ID card [Admin.Code Trans 102.02, 102.025, 102.03, 102.04, 102.07, 102.09, 102.10, 102.11, 102.14, 102.145, 102.15, 102.16, 102.17, 102.18, 102.19, 102.20, 102.21, 102.24, 104.06] - CR 23-042
united states _ federal communications commissionUnited States — Federal Communications Commission
Universal Service Fund provisions and administration [Admin.Code PSC 160.02, 160.06, 160.062, 160.071] - CR 21-023
universal service fundUniversal service fund, see Telecommunications
waterways and water powerWaterways and water power, see also Lakes
Placing structures in navigable waterways; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 320, 323, 326, 328, 329] - CR 24-051
Updating Wisconsin's water quality antidegradation policy and procedures; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 102.03, 102.045, 102.05, 102.12, 102.13, 102.23, 103.06, 106.03, 106.145, 207.001, 207 subch. I, 207.11, 212.74, 212.75, 216.008, 216.03] - CR 23-010
weights and measuresWeights and measures
Fair packaging and labeling; selling commodities by weight, measure, or count; and weights and measures; affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 90.01, 90.04, 90.07, 90.08, 90.09, 90.10, 91.03, 92.01, 92.02, 92.06, 92.22, 92.30, 92.43, 92.50] - CR 23-057
wildlifeWildlife, see Animal; Hunting
wolfWolf, see Hunting
workers compensationWorker's compensation
WC program: minor and technical changes [Admin.Code DWD 80.40, 80.60, 80.61, 80.72] - CR 25-005
workforce development department ofWorkforce Development, Department of
WC program: minor and technical changes [Admin.Code DWD 80.40, 80.60, 80.61, 80.72] - CR 25-005